June 12, 2023
The regulator of online gambling in France, L'Autorit e Nationale des Jeux (ANJ) and Belgium's Kansspelcommissie (KSC) have signed a unique cooperation deal. Under the pact, the two European industry regulators will cooperate to reinforce their market oversight capabilities.
The deal was inked at the Gambling Regulators' European Forum (GREF) event by ANJ president Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin and Magali Clavie, president of KSC, on June 6. A few days later, on June 9, Falque-Pierrotin was elected by GREF (Gambling Regulators' European Forum) to chair the organization. This forum was founded in 1989, serving as a focal point for European regulators to communicate and coordinate their efforts.
This deal between ANJ and the Belgian Gaming Commission allows both regulators to share data and work together on regulatory matters in France and Belgium. In addition, this arrangement will enable them to perform joint inquiries and generate matching reports.
The critical functions of this agreement include:
Under consumer protection, the document mainly focuses on measures to regulate gambling adverts and prevent problem gambling. Moreover, ANJ and KCA will work together on more particular regulatory issues in their respective jurisdictions, including:
Meanwhile, the regulatory bodies have moved swiftly to allay any fears regarding information breaches. They claim that no personal data will be part of information sharing for regulatory purposes.
The agreement allows either party to turn down a request to exchange data in particular situations. It stipulates that a regulator may refuse to share data if the information in question is of national importance. Alternatively, the regulator can refuse to share information if it can jeopardize any proceedings against the operator.
Lastly, the accord requires both regulators to inform each other in case of significant alterations to their regulatory frameworks. Before signing the pact, France's ANJ declared they would criminalize using athletes' pictures in gambling-related messages. The regulator says that this move will help protect minors from gambling and betting.
Emily "MobiMaven" Patel is the UK's rising star in the mobile casino writing arena. Fusing her tech acumen with a sharp wit, she brings the world of mobile gaming to readers' fingertips, ensuring every tap leads to top-tier content.