As in all forms of roulette, the game of roulette is played on a wheel with numbered slots. In roulette, the wheel is spun in one direction and a ball is spun in the opposite direction within the wheel. In the French version of roulette, the wheel is divided into 37 numbered slots (0 to 36). Players wager on the outcome of where the ball will end up among the numbered slots on the wheel. The dealer then spins the wheel and drops the ball into it. Whoever placed a bet on the correct slot will win the wager.
In Vietnam, the rules of roulette can be slightly different than its traditional French version. Vietnamese roulette tables usually have 38 slots, with a double zero added onto the wheel. Therefore, the potential outcomes range from 0-36 and 00. In Vietnamese roulette, the house advantage is higher than in the standard French version of the game because of the addition of the double zero slot.