Dragon Tiger, also known as "Hee Haw", is a simple yet dramatic two-card casino game that is typically found in Asian and Greek casinos alike. It is similar to Baccarat, though instead of comparing hands between two players, the game involves a straightforward comparison between one player's two cards and the dealer's two cards.
In a game of Dragon Tiger, the player must place a bet on either the "Dragon" or the "Tiger" before the cards are dealt. The player must then decide whether to double their bet or not. Upon placing their bet, two cards are dealt face-up - one for the "Dragon" and one for the "Tiger" - and the player must determine which side has the higher card. The side with the higher card will win, and the player's bet will be doubled if they chose to double their bet.
The most common version of Dragon Tiger in Greek mobile casinos is played with 8 decks of 52 cards. There are no jokers or wild cards in the deck, and all suits are of equal value. Once all of the cards have been dealt, the dealer reveals the outcome and determines the winner of the round.